Monday, 30 July 2012

Adaptive Accessories, Coping Part I, The Arm Warmer

In its rigidity, my left forearm is always cold. Since well before my diagnosis of PD, I have found ways to keep it warm…

At first it was a wrapped scarf

Virage Beach, Dakar, Sénégal Circa 2007

Then I bought leg warmers 
My Bday BBQ, Vancouver August 17th 2009

Test drive, Vancouver Summer 2010

Which had surprisingly come back in fashion and where thus available at The Bay

More recently I have opted for a more discrete black cut-off sleeve or cropped fleece mitten from Mountain Equipment
November 7th 2011 (Tabaski -
Aïd al Kebir, the Feast of Sacrifice -
Saint-Louis du Sénégal)

Only returning to the original scarf style for special occasions – such as this veil-like Ralph Lauren for our Black and White Wedding.

 Black and White Wedding,
our backyard, Vancouver

With Abdoukhadre, May 23 2010