In its rigidity, my left forearm is always cold. Since well before my diagnosis of PD, I have found ways to keep it warm…
At first it was a wrapped scarf
Virage Beach, Dakar, Sénégal Circa 2007 |
Then I bought leg warmers
My Bday BBQ, Vancouver August 17th 2009 |
Test drive, Vancouver Summer 2010 |
Which had surprisingly come back in fashion and where thus available at The Bay
More recently I have opted for a more discrete black cut-off sleeve or cropped fleece mitten from Mountain Equipment
November 7th 2011 (Tabaski - Aïd al Kebir, the Feast of Sacrifice - Saint-Louis du Sénégal) |
Only returning to the original scarf style for special occasions – such as this veil-like Ralph Lauren for our Black and White Wedding.